What is autism?
According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (“NINDS”), autism spectrum disorder (“ASD”) pertains to “a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with social communication and interaction.”
What are symptoms or signs of ASD?
Symptoms and signs include, but are not limited to: over focus on certain objects; social impairment; communication difficulties; avoidance of eye contact; and insistence of consistent routine, activities, and/or environment.
What is attention deficit hyper activity disorder?
According to the National Institute of Mental Health (“NIMH”), attention deficit hyper activity disorder (“ADHD”) “is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.”
What are symptoms or signs of ADHD?
Symptoms and signs include, but are not limited to: fidgeting; running, dashing, or climbing; inability to engage in activities quietly; constant motor functioning “as if driven by a motor” (NIMH), constant talking, and interrupting; inattention to details, careless mistakes; inattention to tasks, conversations, etc.; not following through on instructions or failure to complete tasks; rapid loss of focus, easily sidetracked.
What do autism and ADHD have in common?
Both autism and ADHD involve motor function overstimulation. Due to great patience required to care for persons with autism and ADHD, many often overlook simple therapies and modalities such as exercise. As such, these individuals may lack fitness and the confidence to engage in sports and physical activities.
Why is exercise important for autism and ADHD?
Exercise expends the energy of motor functioning affected by autism and ADHD. As such, symptoms tend to decrease. Several research studies have provided empirical evidence, supporting positive effects of exercise on persons with autism and ADHD. Additionally, regular exercise helps improve lipid profiles, decrease resting heart rate, decrease depression, increase cardiorespiratory endurance, and facilitate more efficient use of physiological energy systems.
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