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Affordable cellular mobile phone service

Switch to Google Fi, formerly Project Fi, to save money on your cellular bill while expanding the capabilities of your mobile service. This is a great plan that charges by data but caps, so you never exceed charges. While it may sound confusing, the cap is based on the number of individuals on the plan. For example, one individual is capped at six gigabytes. Two are capped at ten. When one exceeds the cap, there are no additional charges for data. Try it and get a Google Fi credit with this link.Switch to Google Fi, formerly Project Fi, to save money on your cellular bill while expanding the capabilities of your mobile service. This is a great plan that charges by data but caps, so you never exceed charges. While it may sound confusing, the cap is based on the number of individuals on the plan. For example, one individual is capped at six gigabytes. Two are capped at ten. When one exceeds the cap, there are no additional charges for data. Try it and get a Google Fi credit with this link.